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Updated: 2023-12-01

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, March 4, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Friday, March 4, 2022

We slept reasonably well again with the family in Lat Krabang.

Today we have to go shopping, the bread is almost gone, the drinking yogurt completely and the white wine also completely.
We leave around half past twelve, not to the Paseo Lat Krabang but to the Paradise Shopping Mall. Why, there is no real reason for that.
It is very quiet on the road, there is relatively little traffic and we can drive well. Looking for a parking space is also not too bad.
Pia buys boxes with all kinds of vegetable pills in a kind of reform store and we look around on the food court of Paradise. It is only half past one so there is no question of buying wine, that is only allowed in Thailand after five o'clock. We do get bread and drink yogurt at the Villa Market.
Then we decide that we will eat something at the Vietnamese restaurant Kraa Muang Ve on On-Nut Road. Then we leave the car there and walk to the Paseo Lat Krabang. Walking saves two U-turns on a busy road.
Along the way, traffic is very quiet again. We drive back over Thanon Udom Suk, where it is actually always very busy, but not now. Vietnamese food tastes good and around five o'clock we eaten enough.
We walk to the Paseo Lat Krabang, crossing Thanon On-nut crossing is a challenge, but things are going well.
We buy beer and wine from Villa Market and walk back to the Vietnamese restaurant, again a challenge to get across the road.
On the way home it is now busier, but actually, compared to two or more years ago, it is not so bad.

Link: Krua Muang Ve.
Link: Villa Market.

Written on: 2022-03-05


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.